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The countdown to G-Cloud 11 begins

Today sees the launch of the biennial process for companies to apply to join the government's cloud computing and technology framework, G-Cloud, now in its eleventh iteration.

Frameworks are agreements between the government buyers and suppliers, and are a popular route to market as they are often faster and cheaper to use than entering into individual procurement contracts.

For example, in 2017-18 public sector buyers purchased £4bn of technology solutions from the private sector through various government technology frameworks, including cloud and digital, networks, software and other technology, products and services.

The G-Cloud framework is focused on suppliers who can provide the government and other public sector buyers with cloud-based services. G-Cloud services are divided into 3 categories, or ‘lots’:

  1. cloud hosting, for example content delivery networks or load balancing services
  2. cloud software, for example accounting tools or customer service management software
  3. cloud support, for example migration services or ongoing support

Suppliers who are already registered as providers on G-Cloud 10 have been reminded by the authority managing the process, the Liverpool based Crown Commercial Services, that they still need to apply to join G-Cloud 11 as all G-Cloud 10 services will be removed when G-Cloud 11 services are live.

If you are a supplier who has never previously applied to sell services on any of the previous versions of G-Cloud, then create a supplier account on the government's Digital Marketplace portal to apply to G-Cloud 11.

Date Activity
Mon, 25 March 2019 G-Cloud 11 opens for applications and you can start asking clarification questions
Tue, 30 April 2019, 5pm Deadline for asking clarification questions
Wed, 8 May 2019, 5pm` Answers to clarification questions will be published on the Gov.UK Digital Marketplace
Wed, 15 May 2019, 5pm Applications for G-Cloud 11 close
Fri, 21 June - Mon, 1 July 2019 Standstill period
Tue, 2 July 2019 Expected start date for framework