£1m Collaborative R&D fund between Scotland and Catalonia announced


Scottish Enterprise, Scotland's national economic development agency, and The Catalan Trade and Investment Agency (ACCIÓ) have launched a £1M initiative to directly fund international collaborative innovation projects between companies from both regions.

Scottish Enterprise will invest around £1 million to support the Scottish elements of the projects, with total eligible project costs of between £150,000 and £350,000 sought, The total maximum grant available to Scottish applicants to be approximately £200,000, with similar levels from ACCIÓ for Catalan partners.

Whilst this is an open call for proposals, Scottish Enterprise and ACCIÓ both share interests in the themes of

  • Innovations linked to the trialling, testing, and prototyping of Industry 4.0 products, processes or services;
  • Innovations linked to the trialling, testing, prototyping of Mobility products, services or processes; and,
  • Innovations linked to the trialling, testing, prototyping of Health Care products, processes or services.

To be eligible to apply to this call, each Scottish and Catalan consortium must contain a minimum one Scottish and one Catalan company. Projects can start from 1st January 2020 and should be completed within 12 to 30 months from the agreed project start date.

If interested companies does not yet have a partner identified for projects, a dedicated team at Scottish Enterprise and ACCIÓ are on hand to discuss projects and partner requirements and help identify companies that may be a fit. 

Scottish companies should contact enquiries@scotent.co.uk. A fact sheet is also available for download [PDF].

Key Dates:

Webinar:28th May 2019, 10 am (UK) (https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8724028130214396941).
Call opens: 31st May 2019
Call deadline: 10th Oct 2019
Applicants informed: 16th Dec 2019
Projects start from: 1st January 2020

Full details of the call for Scottish comapnies can be found at http://www.enterprise-europe-scotland.com/catalonia

Catalan companies wanting to find out more detail about the call, eligibility, and how to apply, can visit http://empresa.gencat.cat/ca/tramits/tramits-temes/Nuclis-internacionals-unilaterals or contact:

Aljosa Ajanovic aajanovic@catalonia.com

Natalia Nicolau nnicolauv@gencat.cat

Alun Williams

Chartered Procurement & Supply Professional


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